BSC Mainnet Contracts
Source code
Token List
For a list of supported tokens:
To execute a swap:
Approve the Router contract for the token and amount you would like to swap
Call Router.swap with parameters:
_path: [tokenIn, tokenOut]
_amountIn: amount of tokenIn to swap
_minOut: minimum expected output amount
_receiver: address of the receiver of tokenOut
The function will revert if the amount of tokenOut sent to the receiver is less than _minOut
To get swap amounts before execution:
Call Reader.getMaxAmountIn with parameters:
_vault: address of the vault
_tokenIn: address of token that will be given
_tokenOut: address of token to be received
The max amount of tokenIn that can be swapped will be returned
Call Reader.getAmountOut with parameters:
_vault: address of the vault
_tokenIn: address of token that will be given
_tokenOut: address of token to be received
_amountIn: amount of tokenIn to swap
Two values will be returned, the first is the amount out after fees, and the second is the fee amount
The fee amount will be in terms of tokenOut
Opening / Increasing a position
To open or increase the size of an existing position:
Approve the Router contract for the token and amount you would deposit as collateral for the position
Call Router.increasePosition with parameters:
_path: [tokenIn, collateralToken] or [tokenIn]
_indexToken: the address of the token you want to long or short
_amountIn: the amount of tokenIn you want to deposit as collateral
_minOut: the min amount of collateralToken to swap for
_sizeDelta: the USD value of the change in position size
_isLong: whether to long or short
_price: the USD value of the min (for longs) or max (for shorts) index price accepted when opening the position
_path allows swapping to the collateralToken if needed
For longs, the collateralToken must be the same as the indexToken
For shorts, the collateralToken can be any stablecoin token
_minOut can be zero if no swap is required
USD values for _sizeDelta and _price are multiplied by (10 ** 30), so for example to open a long position of size 1000 USD, the value 1000 * (10 ** 30) should be used
Closing / Decreasing a position
To close or decrease an existing position:
Call Router.decreasePosition with parameters:
_collateralToken: the collateral token used
_indexToken: the index token of the position
_collateralDelta: the amount of collateral in USD value to withdraw
_sizeDelta: the USD value of the change in position size
_isLong: whether the position is a long or short
_receiver: the address to receive the withdrawn tokens
_price: the USD value of the min (for shorts) or max (for longs) index price accepted when decreasing the position
If _sizeDelta is the same size as the position, the collateral after adding profits or deducting losses will be sent to the receiver address
Last updated
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